C-SALT APIs for Sanskrit Dictionaries
The C-SALT APIs for Sanskrit Dictionaries provide access to the most important Sanskrit dictionaries hosted by the University of Cologne. The dictionaries have been encoded in TEI-P5 and you can download them from this repository. The APIs have been created and are maintained with Kosh.
You can access each dictionary via a REST and a GraphQL API.
MW - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European languages by Monier Williams (1899)
- REST Swagger UI: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/mw/restful
- GraphQL: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/mw/graphql
AP90 - The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary by V.S. Apte (1890)
- REST Swagger UI: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/ap90/restful
- GraphQL: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/ap90/graphql
BHS - Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary by Edgerton (1953)
- REST Swagger UI: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/bhs/restful
- GraphQL: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/bhs/graphql
VEI - Vedic Index of Names and Subjects by Macdonell & Keith (1912)
- REST Swagger UI: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/vei/restful
- GraphQL: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/vei/graphql
PWG - Sanskrit Wörterbuch, herausgegeben von der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, bearbeitet von Otto Böhtlingk und Rudolph Roth (1855)
- REST Swagger UI: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/pwg/restful
- GraphQL: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/pwg/graphql
GRA - Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda von Hermann Grassmann (1873)
- REST Swagger UI: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/gra/restful
- GraphQL: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/gra/graphql
AE - The Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary by V.S. Apte (1884)
- REST Swagger UI: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/ae/restful
- GraphQL: https://api.c-salt.uni-koeln.de/dicts/ae/graphql
If you have any questions, contact the C-SALT team: info-csalt@uni-koeln.de.