
Documentation of the Python scripts.

Inserts and updates data from TEI files into Postgres.

  • Inserts the contents of each single capitulary chapter into the Postgres database.

  • Inserts the geographic information into Postgres.

This tool is run at regular intervals by cron to keep the postgres database in sync with the data in the TEI file collection.

usage: [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--my-cnf .MY.CNF.FILE] [--init] [--mss FILES [FILES ...]] [--cap-list FILES [FILES ...]] [--extracted FILES [FILES ...]] [--fulltext FILES [FILES ...]]
                      [--solr FILES [FILES ...]] [--geoareas FILES [FILES ...]] [--publish] [--geoplaces GEOPLACES] [--geonames] [--dnb] [--viaf] [--truncate]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v, --verbose

increase output verbosity

-c <config_file>, --config-file <config_file>

the config file (default=’server.conf’)

--my-cnf <.my.cnf.file>

the mysql .my.cnf file to use (default:~/.my.cnf) (reads client and mysql sections)


initialize the Postgres database

--mss <files>

the manuscript files (or the corpus file) to import

--cap-list <files>

the capitularies lists to import

--extracted <files>

import per-chapter extracted XML from files

--fulltext <files>

import per-chapter extracted fulltext from files

--solr <files>

index per-chapter extracted fulltext from files with Solr

--geoareas <files>

import geoareas from geojson file


get the publish status from Wordpress Ajax API

--geoplaces <geoplaces>

import geoplaces XML








truncate the relative Postgres table before importing into it

Indexes TEI files and Wordpress pages into Solr.

  • Connects to the Wordpress mysql database and indexes all pages and posts to Solr.

  • Indexes the header (Mordek) sections of TEI files to Solr.

This program is run nightly by cron.

usage: [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--my-cnf .MY.CNF.FILE] [--wordpress] [--incremental TOUCHFILE] [--mss FILE.TEI [FILE.TEI ...]]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v, --verbose

increase output verbosity

-c <config_file>, --config-file <config_file>

the config file (default=’server.conf’)

--my-cnf <.my.cnf.file>

the mysql .my.cnf file to use (default:~/.my.cnf) (reads client and mysql sections)


indexes all Wordpress pages and posts to Solr

--incremental <touchfile>

only indexes pages changed after the date of the given file

--mss <file.tei>

the manuscript files to index