
Utilities for suffix tree.

DEBUG = False

Print lots of debug information.


Write out dot files of the tree at the end of each phase.


Include more (potentially confusing) information in node labels.

class UniqueEndChar(id_)

A singleton object to signal end of sequence.


Return str(self).

min_debug_depth = -1

How deep we were in the stack when emitting the first debug message.

Used to print the interesting part of the stack.

debug(msg: str, *args, **kwargs) None

Print a debug message to stderr.

is_debug() bool

Return True if debugging is on.

ukko_str(S: Sequence[Hashable], start: int, end: int) str

Debug path in Ukkonen’s preferred notation.

class Path(S, start=0, end=None)

A path in a suffix tree.

__init__(S, start=0, end=None)

Initialize a path from a sequence of symbols.

If end is None it is set to the length of the sequence.

__str__() str

Return str(self).

__lt__(other) bool

Return True if self less than other.

Convenience function that allows to sort paths if the symbols are sortable. Not used in tree construction.

__getitem__(i: int) Hashable

Return the symol at position i.

Note: this should implement slices but we don’t need them. Also we don’t need negative indices.