Collections =========== We want to find *collections* of capitularies, currently very vaguely defined as capitularies that are often copied together. The python script :code:`` reads the Wordpress database and writes a Gephi graph file. The graph is then imported into Gephi and laid out using a force field algorithm. The resulting plot is used to visually identify potential collections of capitularies. Algorithm ~~~~~~~~~ Description of the algorithm used by the :code:`` script. We define :math:`K` as the number of capitularies and :math:`D` as the number of documents. The number of occurrences of capitulary :math:`k` in document :math:`d` is referred to as :term:`term frequency` and is denoted: .. math:: \mbox{tf}_{k,d} The term frequency of capitularies is either 0 (if not contained in the document) or 1 (if contained in the document). Technically, a document may contain more than one copy of the same capitulary, but we ignore that for our calculations. The number of documents that include the capitulary :math:`k` is referred to as its :term:`document frequency` and is denoted: .. math:: \mbox{df}_k The :term:`inverse document frequency` of capitulary :math:`k` is defined as: .. math:: \mbox{idf}_k = \log { D \over \mbox{df}_k }. We assign a weight to each pair of capitulary and document :math:`k \times d`, given by: .. math:: \mbox{tf-idf}_{k,d} = \mbox{tf}_{k,d} \times \mbox{idf}_k We define the :term:`document vector` :math:`\vec{V}(d)` as: .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} \mbox{tf-idf}_{1,d} & \mbox{tf-idf}_{2,d} & \dots & \mbox{tf-idf}_{K,d} \end{pmatrix} the vector of the weights of all capitularies relative to the document :math:`d`. The :term:`Euclidean length` :math:`\vert\vec{V}(d)\vert` of a document vector :math:`\vec{V}(d)` is defined as: .. math:: \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^K\vec{V}_i^2(d)} Because the term frequency can only be 0 or 1, this is simply the square root of the number of capitularies in the document. The :term:`cosine similarity` of two documents :math:`d_1` and :math:`d_2`, which are here represented by their document vectors :math:`\vec{V}(d_1)` and :math:`\vec{V}(d_2)`, is now calculated as: .. math:: \mbox{sim}(d_1,d_2)= \frac{\vec{V}(d_1)\cdot \vec{V}(d_2)}{\vert\vec{V}(d_1)\vert \vert\vec{V}(d_2)\vert} where :math:`\cdot` represents the :term:`dot product`. The cosine similarities of all pairs of documents are entered into a similarity (affinity) matrix. This matrix is used as the input to the graph layout software. .. raw:: html

The document affinity graph (Gephi Force Atlas).

This algorithm is also used to get the similarity between capitularies, instead of documents, by switching capitularies with documents. .. raw:: html

The capitulary affinity graph (Gephi Force Atlas).